To prepare for any important test, we are advised to read NCERT(National Council for Education and Research Training) books, because all the test agencies ask questions from it. The reason behind this is the NCERT syllabus.
NCERT and Competitive Exam.
Easy language
NCERT Books haveeasy languagewhich is easy tounderstand. Itfacilitate them toeffective learningand retention ofinformation.
NCERT undergoextensive reviews toensure the accuracy andreliability of content. Asa result, the information provided in NCERTtextbook is purelytextbooks andtrustworthy thatincrease the importantof NCERT in NEET.
Clear and Conciseexplanation
NCERT books are good forquick revision. Theyprovide concise and clearinformation about anytopic. These books havediagram and tables,making it easier tomemorize. Unlike lengthyreference books that takedays to revise, NCERTbooks can be reviewedeasily in less time.
NEET Exam pattern
Every year questionsfrom NCERT are askedin NEET, in such asituation theimportance of NCERTincreases. Studentsalso study fromprevious yearsquestion papers ofNEET so that they canunderstand the patternof the exam.
In depth knowledge
Every year questionsfrom NCERT are askedin NEET, in such asituation theimportance of NCERTincreases. Studentsalso study fromprevious yearsquestion papers ofNEET so that they canunderstand the patternof the exam.
Are NCERT books enough for NEET?
NCERT is important for NEET because it help to understand the fundamental concepts and their ability to apply knowledge to solve problems, but the NEET’s main focus is to test students’ proficiency in various topics and it’s going deep these days due to the limited seats-to-applications ratio. However, NCERT books provide a solid foundation, but may not diverse range of concepts, applications, and problem-solving approaches beyond those required for the NEET exam.