JEE Advanced 2024 is one of the most recognised competitive exams. To make sure you can attend the exam without fail, all the instructions for JEE Advanced 2024 are gathered here to make it easy to find and keep track of them.
As you will see, there are instructions for the dress code, what you need to carry into the exam hall, and things to avoid carrying into the exam. So, read on to understand and remember all the JEE Advanced 2024 Instructions.
To take the whole exam peacefully, it is important that you follow the JEE Advanced 2024 instructions. For some of these instructions, if someone does not follow them, they might not even be allowed into the exam hall.
There are many instructions for JEE Advanced 2024 to remember by themselves. So, they have been separated into different groups to make it easier to check and follow along. The different groups of Instructions for JEE Advanced 2024 are:
1. Things to Carry for JEE Advanced 2024
As you can probably guess, things that you should absolutely not forget to carry include your ID, admit card, and other important items. Remember to download your admit card and get it printed. It is mandatory to carry a copy of your admit card to the exam hall.
Here is a list of all the things you should not forget to carry for JEE Advanced 2024.
- A printed copy of your admit card, which is already released by IIT Madras.
- At Least 1 Original Photo ID: Either your School/ College ID, Aadhaar Card, Driver’s Licence, Passport, or PAN Card.
- Black ballpoint pen with transparent body
- Pencils
- Eraser
- A simple analogue watch is allowed/Transparent water bottle
2. Things to Avoid Carrying for JEE Advanced 2024
There are some things that you should not carry for JEE Advanced 2024. This is because they can be confiscated till the end of the exam and, in the process, could get mixed up with other candidates’ items. Apart from that, it can even make you unable to sit in the hall for the exam. So be smart and avoid carrying these items.
- Electronic devices: Bluetooth devices, earphones, microphones, pagers, Fit bands, smartphones, pen drives, electronic pens, calculators, iPads, tabs, digital/ smart/ programmable watches, and any other electronic gadgets.
- Abacus
- Slide rule
- Log books/ table
- Study material of any kind
- Geometry box/ pouch/ scale/pencil box
- Printed, blank, handwritten, or white paper/piece of paper or writing pad
- Wallet or handbag or goggles
PCP Sikar JEE Mains Result 2024 [Session-2]
3. Dress Code for JEE Advanced 2024
With how strict competitive exams like JEE Advanced are, it is important that you avoid wearing any jewellery or fancy clothes and follow the dress code. You wouldn’t want to be denied from attempting the exam just because of what you wanted to wear, right?
- Wear Light coloured clothes that are half-sleeved and comfortable. As mentioned before, avoid any fancy clothes with patterns, logos, or fancy designs for the exam.
- Female candidates are recommended to wear simple kurtas and palazzos/jeans/leggings and to avoid wearing dupattas.
- Avoid wearing jewellery of any kind. No rings, earrings, bracelets, chains/necklaces, charms, pendants, nose pins, brooch, badges, hair bands, hair pins.
- Any kind of belt or digital/smart wrist watches should also be avoided.
- It is recommended that candidates do not wear clothes with full sleeves or big buttons. Any kind of veil/ charm/tables should also be avoided.
- Do not wear any shoes or closed sandals. You should wear open footwear like chappals, slippers, open sandals or flotters.
4. Reporting Times for JEE Advanced 2024
The JEE Advanced 2024 exam is conducted in 2 shifts: the morning shift and the afternoon shift. Since it is important to reach the exam venue on time, remember the reporting times for JEE Advanced 2024 and prepare accordingly.
Events | Morning Session | Afternoon Session |
JEE Advanced Timings | 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM | 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM (6:30 for Paper 2) |
Exam Duration | 3 Hours | 3 Hours |
JEE Advanced Reporting Timing | 7:30 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. | 1:30 PM to 2:00 P.M. |
It is advised that you prepare to reach the venue at least 60 minutes before the reporting time mentioned.
5. JEE Advanced 2024 Instructions for Exam Day
These JEE Advanced 2024 instructions will be mentioned in the admit card as well, but it is important to keep track of them and follow them properly.
- Candidates must have their admit card for JEE Advanced 2024 and a valid ID Proof to enter the exam hall
- Avoid last-minute rush by organising all your stationary and necessary documents a day before.
- Candidates are advised to arrive at least 60 minutes before the reporting time mentioned on the admit card
- Remember to focus on and strengthen your strong points during the last week of preparations.
- Keep yourself calm and cool in this hot weather. Otherwise, it can affect your health and your performance during the exam.
- Eat healthy to avoid falling sick before or on the day of the exam
- Keep a healthy and timely sleep pattern to stay healthy and alert on the day of the exam.
- Make an exam kit for yourself with all the necessary items inside it, such as your admit card, original photo ID, and a black ballpoint pen. It will make keeping track of your items easy and ensure that you have all the necessary items at the exam hall.
Apart from the above guidelines, there are other instructions for JEE Advanced 2024 as well. These will be told by the invigilators present and should be followed carefully inside the exam hall.
- Follow the JEE Advanced 2024 instructions given to you by the invigilator.
- Calmly cooperate during the formalities and verification at the exam hall.
- Carefully log into the computer system assigned to you. The system assigned to you will show your name, your photograph, and your JEE Advanced 2024 roll number. Check the details properly. You can log in and read the instructions 20 minutes before the exam. Note that the login ID required will be your JEE Advanced 2024 roll no. and the password will be your date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format
- Hand over the printed copy of your downloaded admit card. The authorities will verify it and provide you with the original admit card. Keep this original admit card safe till all the formalities are completed.
- You will have to give the fingerprint of your index finger as part of the pre-exam procedure. The same fingerprint will be used during the JEE Advanced 2024 counselling after passing the exam. Keep your hands and fingers clean while giving the fingerprint.
- For any rough work, a scribble pad will be provided. No extra pads will be given, and your scribble pad will not be used for any evaluations. The pad should be submitted after the completion of each paper.
- Be patient after you are done with your paper, as you will not be allowed to leave before 12 pm (noon) for paper 1 and before 5 pm for paper 2.
- Make sure not to leave the exam hall after paper 1. Both paper 1 and paper 2 are mandatory. If a candidate does appear for paper one and not for paper 2, they will be marked absent. Only those who appeared for both exams will have their ORS sheets evaluated.
- A candidate involved in impersonation will be disqualified from JEE Advanced 2024.
JEE Advanced 2024 is a tough but highly prestigious exam. Following the JEE Advanced 2024 instructions will allow you to appear for the exam. Do follow these guidelines and instructions as they are only meant to keep the exam fair for everyone and not allow any candidate to pass using unfair means.