Recently, IIT Kanpur released eligibility criteria for JEE Advanced 2025 with some changes, including three attempts in JEE Advanced. Another significant change in the eligibility criteria was the disappearance of the 75% criteria; it was not mentioned in the updated eligibility criteria. As soon as the notification was released, everyone started assuming that the 75 Criteria is removed from JEE Advanced 2025. But is it true?
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Well, this guide is all about that. Here, we will find out if 75% criteria is removed from JEE Advanced or not. If you are a JEE Advacned aspiring aspirant and want to know about the 75% criteria in JEE Advanced, this guide will help you, where we will talk about everything about this criterion, including its history and future.
History of 75% Criteria in JEE Advanced
For the first time, the 75% criteria in JEE Advacned was introduced in 2016. Before 2016, students were not required to meet any minimum percentage criteria in the 12th class. Gradually, the craze for JEE increased among students, and students started preparing only for JEE, giving less importance to their board classes. And it led to impaired academic performance among JEE aspirants.
To address this problem and balance JEE participation and board class performance, the Joint Admission Board (JAB) and the Ministry of Education (previously the Ministry of Human Resource Development) introduced the 75% criteria for JEE Advanced in 2016.
Moreover, by applying the 75% criteria, the board tried to ensure the high academic standard of the candidates who will be admitted to IITs after JEE Advanced.
Understand the 75% Criteria in JEE Advacned.
The 75% criteria in JEE Advanced oblige you to score a minimum of 75% in the 12th class or equivalent degree course or come in the top 20% of students. Well, it is for students in the General and OBC categories. If you belong to the SC, ST, or PwD categories, there is a 10% relaxation; you must score 65% to appear in JEE Advanced.
Many students appear in the JEE Advanced with their 12th class, which creates confusion. Often, students think that the JEE Advacned exam is held in April and the result comes in June; how can they meet the 75% criteria before their result? Let it be very clear that this criteria is for admission to IIT College. You can appear in the JEE Advanced without meeting the 75%, but you will be disqualified for admission to IIT college even if you have cleared the JEE Advanced exam.
Temporarily Removal of 75% of Criteria in Past
The 75% criteria were not removed for a single year from the first year of applying. However, in the COVID scenario, it was removed for three consecutive years, 2020, 2021, and 2023, as a relaxation for the students. After COVID, the 75% criteria were re-introduced with the format for all the students.
Is 75 Criteria Removed From JEE Advanced 2025
Yes, the 75% criteria are removed from JEE Advanced 2025, but only to say that, truly, the 75% criteria are still there for JEE Advanced. Although this criterion is not mentioned in the recently released eligibility criteria for JEE Advanced 2025, it is present in the JEE Main 2025 notification. So, there is no point in removing it from JEE Advanced 2025.
There is no change; you will not be eligible for admission to IIT College if you don’t meet the 75% criteria. For the whole procedure of JEE (Mains, Advanced and then the admission to IIT College), the 75% criteria is not removed.
Three Attempts in JEE Advanced 2025
Will 75% Criteria Be Removed From JEE Advacned in Future?
When we analysed, we found that 75% of the criterion was introduced to balance aspirants’ academic performance. Also, this criterion ensures fewer registrations for JEE, which aligns with the purpose of keeping competition in top minds.
Until or unless the seats in IITs increase drastically, there is no hope of removing the 75% criteria for JEE Advanced in future.
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