NTA has released the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for the JEE Main 2025. Every year, the National Testing Agency issues a FAQ notification for JEE aspirants to understand the registration, Eligibility criteria, and other details regarding JEE Main. Let’s talk about the details of JEE Main FAQs 2025 in this article.
First of all, this must have come to your mind why NTA releases this JEE Main FAQ every year. There are many rumors about JEE Main circulating on the internet. In such a situation, the NTA puts a stop to these rumors by issuing an official notice about all questions about exam dates, Eligibility criteria, reservation policy, marketing System, PwD Certificate, and any change in the exam pattern.
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JEE Main FAQs 2025
If you are a JEE aspirant and curious about all the information regarding the upcoming JEE Main 2025, this FAQ will be helpful for you. Here are all the questions and answers that are frequently asked by JEE aspirants.
1. What is the website for the Online Application Form, Helpline Number, and email ID for JEE (Main) – 2025?
Website : https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/ The Helpline No.- 011-40759000 E-mail jeemain@nta.ac.in
2. How to Register for JEE (Main) – 2025?
Instructions to apply online for JEE (Main)-2025 are available in the Information Bulletin available on the NTA website under the heading Important Information at Glance. For more details please go through the Information Bulletin Appendix – X (Replica of Application For
3. How to fill Choice of Cities in registration of JEE Main?
The Choice of exam cities will be displayed to the candidates based on the permanent and present address filled during registration. Four choices of cities are given to the candidates. Foreign Centres. Centers outside India will only be established in cities where there is a reasonably large number of Candidates. Given the above, for such candidates appearing from abroad, NTA has decided to provide an option of filling of choice of cities in any nearby country with an examination Centre or any city within India as per their choice. Note- Though every effort will be made to allot a Centre in one of the cities selected by the candidate, the NTA reserves the right to allot a Centre in a city other than the candidate’s choice. (In this regard refer to Para 5.1 of Information Bulletin, available on the NTA official website)
4. AADHAR Number
AADHAR authentication will be done for the candidates and it will be an optional field. However, candidates are advised to update their Aadhaar Card as proof of identity with recent details for verification at the Exam Centre. (In this regard refer Public Notice dated 06 November 2024)
5. Eligibility and certificates required by PwBD/PwD Candidates
Candidates are advised to follow the instructions of RPwD Act, 2016 and instructions/ guidelines as notified in Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India, Office Memorandum No. F. No. 34- 02/2015-DDIII dated 29 August 2018 for PwBD and Memorandum No F. No. 29- 6/2019-DD-III dated 10 August 2022 for PwD. FAQs for Joint Entrance Examination (Main) – 2025 2 (In this regard also refer to Public Notice dated 25th October 2024 and Para 4.2 of Information Bulletin available on the NTA official website)
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6. Use of Scribe
For availing of the scribe facility, the candidates are advised to read the guidelines given in Chapter 4 of the Information Bulletin and public notice dated 25 Oct 2024. Note: – The candidates are advised to fill all details in the certificate of undertaking as specified in Appendix IV & VI of Information Bulletin and the space provided for Roll Number, name of the Centre, name of District, and State should be left as blank for filling at the Examination Centre. (In this regard also refer to Public Notice dated 25th October 2024 and Para 4.2.4 of Information Bulletin available on the NTA official website)
7. Medium of the examination.
Drawing from the National Education Policy (NEP), the JEE (Main) – 2025 is being conducted in English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. (In this regard also refer Para 2.2 of Information Bulletin available on the NTA official website)
8. Uploading of the Category Certificate.
No, the Category certificate is not to be uploaded by the candidate in the online Application Form of JEE (Main) – 2025. Instead of the uploading certificate, the candidate has to fill following details: 1. Certificate Number. 2. Date of issue. 3. Issuing authority. In case the category certificate is not available and the candidate has applied for the same, the acknowledgment/ receipt Number, date of application, and issuing authority details be filled in the online application form. (Candidate is not guaranteed a seat based on Acknowledgement/ Receipt Number. The Candidate is required to provide the certificate at the time of document verification) However, the documents including the category certificate will be verified by the Counselling/ Admitting Institutions at a later date.
9. When will the JEE (Main)- 2025 Examination be conducted?
The tentative dates of examinations are as follows: Session 1: Between 22 January and 31 January 2025 Session 2: Between 01 April and 08 April 2025. (The detailed information is given in the Information Bulletin at important information and dates at a glance)
10. Are Candidates required to send/submit any document(s) including the Confirmation Page to NTA through Post/ Fax/ By Hand?
No. Candidates are not required to send/submit any document(s) including the Confirmation Page to NTA through Post/Fax/WhatsApp/Email/by Hand.
11. If any candidate did not apply for Session 1, can he/she apply for Session 2?
Yes, if a candidate has missed filling up the Application Form for the January session, he/she can fill up the Application Form for the April session at the time of opening the portal for that session.
12. Can a center be allotted by the NTA manually?
13. The dates of the Examination of JEE (Main) – 2025 clash with any other National / State level examination.
If such a clash occurs, then NTA will not change the allotted date of examination.
14. How can I select the Date and Slot of Examination of JEE (Main) – 2025?
The date/shift/slot of examination is allotted by computer randomly which is required for the normalization process. Hence the choice of date and shift/slot cannot be selected by the candidate himself/herself.
15. In case, the Candidate has uploaded a Blue Signature instead of a Black Signature in the application form of JEE (Main)-2025. Is it okay?
Yes, it is okay. Your Application Form will not be rejected merely for this mistake.
16. Can the Candidate correct/ change his/her particulars including the City of Exam Centre in the Online Application?
As per the Instructions given to the candidates for filling up their Online Application Form, they are supposed to fill up their particulars carefully and NTA is not responsible for any mistake committed by the candidates in this regard. A one-time correction facility will be provided in the selected fields only. In this regard, a public notice will be issued by the NTA.
17. Can anyone cancel the application submitted for JEE (Main)-2025?
Online Application forms once submitted successfully cannot be cancelled/ withdrawn.
18. If one does not get an Admit Card, whom should be contacted?
The Candidates may please note that Admit Cards will not be sent by post. The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website after a public notice regarding the downloading of the admit card is displayed. For any assistance, candidates can call the NTA Helpline numbers: 011 40759000 or 011 69227700 or write to NTA at: jeemain@nta.ac.in.
19. Can a candidate change the examination center after the allotment of roll number?
The city of the allotted Examination Centre cannot be changed, in any case. Note: The choice of exam cities displayed to the candidates will be based on the permanent and correspondence addresses filled during the Online Application Form of JEE (Main) – 2025.
20. Will any candidate be able to leave early if he finishes the test before the allocated test time?
No, the candidate will not be allowed to leave the Examination Centre before the test concludes.
21. Is there any Negative Marking in the JEE (Main)- 2025?
Section A will be of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Section B will contain Questions whose answers are to be filled in as a numerical value. All questions in both sections are mandatory to attempt. There will be negative markings for both Section A and Section B. (In this regard also refer Para 2.4 of Information Bulletin available on the NTA official website)
22. What is the duration of the examination for those candidates who wish to appear for both B. Arch as well as B. Planning?
The duration of the examination is 03:30 hrs. for those candidates who wish to appear for B. Arch and B. Planning. (In this regard also refer Para 2.5 of the Information Bulletin available on the NTA official website)
23. What is the duration/timing/shift of JEE (Main) – 2025 Session 1?
Duration, Shift, and timing of examination are available at Important dates (IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT A GLANCE) in the Information Bulletin of JEE (Main) – 2025
24. Are the candidates required to select either five or six subjects of 12th standard?
Candidates are required to select only Five (5) subjects. The Mandatory subjects for the JEE (Main) – 2025 are Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
25. Candidate are minors and do not have their category certificate. Can they utilize the category certificate of their parents or siblings?
Candidates have to provide the details of the Category Certificate as required in the Application form. They cannot utilize the category certificate of their siblings. In case the category certificate is not available and the candidate has applied for the same, the acknowledgment/ receipt Number, date of application, and issuing authority be filled in the online application form. (Candidate is not guaranteed a seat based on Acknowledgement/ Receipt Number. The Candidate is required to provide the certificate at the time of document verification)
26. Candidates who are giving improvement/ re-appearing in one or more subjects to enhance scores. In such case which option is to be chosen between passed or appearing?
The option to be chosen is ‘Passed’
27. In the case of foreign national candidates (OCI/PIO), what will be the pin code in the address section?
Such candidates are required to put 000000 in the field of Pin Code.
28. Whether the application fee excludes the Common Service charge?
No, the application fee doesn’t include the common service charge, which has to be paid by the Candidate. (For more details refer to Appendix I of Information Bulletin)
29. How can one remit a fee for JEE (Main) – 2025?
The examination fee for JEE (Main) – 2025 can be remitted in the following manner: Through any Debit / Credit / UPI Card using SBI / Canara / HDFC / ICICI online gateway payment facility/ Net Banking.
30. If any candidate faces any problem in the remittance of fee due to a failed transaction, what can he/she do?
If the payment status of an online transaction (by credit/debit card) is not communicated by the payment gateway in real-time, then fee payment is not completed and the candidate will not be able to download the confirmation page. In this case, the candidate is required to pay the fee again through online mode and download the confirmation page. The amount due to the failed transaction of credit/debit card will be refunded after the declaration of the final result of JEE (Main) – 2025. (The detailed information is given in the Information Bulletin at important information and dates at a glance)
Recently, the NTA released the exam schedule of JEE main 2025, according to which the exams for Paper-1 (B.E / B.Tech) will start from 22 to 29th January 2025, while the exams for Paper-1 of B.Arch and B. Planning will start from January 30. In such a situation, JEE Main FAQs 2025 issued by NTA serve as guidance for all those JEE Main aspirants. The FAQ will clear all doubts about all aspects of JEE Main 2025.
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